How Can Drug Eradication Be Made Possible From Any University?

According to the United Nations, currently 8 million people are suffering from drug addiction in Pakistan and every year it increases by 40 thousand people. The trend of addiction has become very high in our best universities , colleges and schools of Pakistan . If you ever go to any campus , you will clearly see many people using cigarettes and marijuana , and there are many students who may not be doing so when you see them, but their By looking at the conditions and their lifestyle, you will understand that they are also using drugs. So there is no doubt that drugs are spreading like an epidemic in our universities and other educational institutions such as Europe is spread across universities in the US and Canada.

According to an estimate, the number of students who are in universities is the same age as the students who are out of the university, so the university children are likely to go to drugs, the main reason is that they face more academic pressure and education. Because of the light, their access to drugs is also easy. It is a misconception that people are more addicted to them go to. One of the main reasons for this is that the environment of education has also become very painful and scolding often goes on in homes. Mothers also often scold children unnecessarily, which means that there has been a lot of difference in our lifestyle and there are more funny elements in it. In the world, wherever you see achievement and performance, you will also see the trend of addiction. You can see for yourself that people who are famous lawyers , generalist pilots or bureaucrats use alcohol more than the common people. .

Can social pressure also cause addiction?

One of the major causes of drug addiction among literate children is pressure from friends. Suppose there is drug addiction in a university , then it is obvious that it will also happen in its hostel and the students who do not do drugs will be attacked by other students who do. There will be a lot of pressure on those who do drugs. And some students who follow influencers and if those influencers use drugs or such chemicals , they would like to use the same thing as their influencer and want to live their life like that. will

Has the world of addiction evolved along with technological innovations?

Today’s drugs are also much more powerful than before. Today’s marijuana is a hundred times faster than the previous marijuana. This time some new types of drugs have also been introduced that were not there before like cocaine and meth and here is the problem. By using many drugs together, people can mask the effects of the drug, such as if someone uses alcohol, they will use cocaine to mask the effect and the viewer will get the wrong impression. That this student is not drunk. Hiding the side effects of addiction from other drugs and falling tired by evening and falling asleep early and then waking up at night and falling asleep again at 5 am and the brain’s natural chemicals. This is a sign of students who suffer from drug addiction.

The benefits of addiction

Along with many disadvantages of addiction, it also has some advantages which are called Jugad and do not work for long. This is another name for temporary peace and lasting suffering. For example, students usually stay up at night to study longer for exams and when they find it difficult to stay awake at night, they use some chemicals that make their sleep disappear temporarily because They have to wake up, and then when they want to go to sleep to relieve their tiredness, they use some chemicals that make them sleepy and they use the chemicals in their brain. They are driven by their own will which is leading them to a big disaster. Some students use marijuana to increase their intelligence, they say that it brings us closer to Allah , removes shyness, makes us confident, sharpens our mind, but in reality all these The words are just to comfort yourself. It is a losing trade in which a person gives up his health to buy only destruction.

Definition of Addiction

It is not necessary that every day the addict suffers from the disease of addiction and sometimes the addict is not ‘addicted’, it is not at all possible. Remember that addiction is a physical, psychological , social, and spiritual disease that is found in the genes of a person who has the disease of addiction in his genes. Will have to pick up. And the one who does not have action in his genes will not suffer so much but will lead a backward life.

A Study of the Sudan

According to a recent study in Sudan , people who use hashish just once a week will have a 10 % drop in their IQ within five years and gradually increase their chances of developing insanity. . And the possibility of this will be 70 percent compared to other family members. But if they use it seven days a week and only use it 50 times in their lifetime, they are 600% more likely to develop schizophrenia than intelligent students who are drug addicts . If they use drugs, their grades in education will fall down along with drug use and at the same time you should get their urine tested so that even if there is something wrong, it can be caught at the beginning. A person who uses drugs, the effects of this drug are seen on that person throughout his life. cannot add because it is a disease that makes a person indifferent to everything and keeps him attached only to himself.

After all, what is the reason that the trend and attention towards drugs is not going away, but is increasing?

So far, the work done all over the world for information on addiction is only a few slogans, which is a campaign like Noto-Drugs . But it is not enough to do it only verbally, for this we have to put some strong barriers that will also give us results and our morale will be higher. To eliminate these things, such slogans do not work, but some vital behavior has to be done which can be done and seen.

How can addiction be controlled in educational institutions?

If smoking is completely banned in all the colleges, intoxicating will also be controlled to some extent. Unfortunately, there are only three universities in Pakistan that have made themselves smoke-free zones, but in the rest of the universities, such work is far from visible. There should be no revolutionary program to prevent addiction, but an evolutionary program in which you include some things in their curriculum so that in the coming life they learn to manage stress and face their problems instead of running away. Learn to be.

For example, in any university where there are 10,000 students, a urine sample will be taken from one percent of the students daily. For example, if you take a urine sample of 10 students every day through a belt and keep testing them, and out of these 10 students, the urine of one student comes out positive for nickel and the other nine come out negative, then you start putting them into two categories. do. Now after one month you will have 270 students in the ‘drug free’ category and 30 students in the ‘ drugs ‘ category.

Now the next step will be that the students with drugs category will be tested daily and until the test is cleared, their educational program will not proceed, and their families will also be referred. And in this way 3000 students will be tested in one year and in the same way 15000 students will be tested in three years. Urine testing should be a vital behavior in universities and it will make many people cautious about avoiding drugs or else I might test positive. And thus the use of drugs in educational institutions can be controlled.

Our children, our youth are our most valuable assets, seeing them wasted like this, at least I want to do my part as a doctor and as a father and I need your support in this.

Written by: Hafsa Shahid Clinical Psychologist
Views: Dr Sadaqat Ali