The Following Tips are Also Helpful For Controlling Salinity
Do as much as you can. Express what you are thinking, what you are feeling, even the things that you feel are baseless and useless. Start talking to people who make a mountain of rye, not a mountain of rye.
Ask someone if what you say, your behavior, and what you are doing is right. The reality may be very different as you look at things.
Learn as much as you can about the symptoms of addiction, rehabilitation, and salvage. This helps a lot in reducing anxiety, guilt, and confusion.
Exercise helps reduce health and stress. Exercise produces in your brain the chemicals that make you feel good. Dancing would also be considered an exercise, provided it is a bhangra type of dance.
What you eat has a lot to do with stress. Your diet affects your ability to cope with the symptoms of salivary glands. New eating habits need to be adopted. You should avoid sweet pills, sweets, tea, coffee, beverages. These things cause your body to react like fear or excitement.
Hunger creates stress. Arrange your meal times in such a way that you do not have to skip any meals and you should also eat three light snacks between the basic meals.
You can buy a book or cassette for relaxation exercises. Now there are audio programs with soothing music, such programs you can find at Sadaqat Clinic. Such audio programs can be tailored to your needs.
Live a balanced life. A balanced life is a life in which there is a balance of physical, psychological, and social balance. Strong social bonds are needed for a balanced lifestyle.
Spirituality is the name of your practical relationship with an entity that transcends itself, which gives purpose and meaning to your life. When you follow a spiritual program, you consciously and practically strive to be above yourself Become part of an entity.
Apologize and compensate for the damage done to the family. Where compensation is not possible, change your attitudes, especially to improve the methods and prioritize their satisfaction.
Allah Almighty is your master and creator, He is the one who drives the car of your life. Thanks to him, today you are free from the bondage of drugs, but you still have to get rid of the imaginary chains of drugs. Every freedom comes at one point and demands a test of courage. It is better to make conscious contact with God Almighty in the morning and evening and seek guidance in every matter, then decide in the light of this “exchange of ideas” what things you have to keep in your life and what things are out of your daily routine.