Taha Sadaqat

Taha Sadaqat
Mr. Taha Sadaqat graduated from Government College, University in 2007. He successfully completed his Bachelor’s degree in Communication, Political Science and English Literature, followed by a Master’s in English Literature. He was also awarded roll of honor by the Government College, University and certificate for outstanding services. He actively participated in extra-curricular activities and had the honor of being a member of Government College, the University’s Senior Club: a group of outstanding students who were involved in the policy making of the University during their time.
Taha Sadaqat completed his Influencer Mastery training from VitalSmarts, USA. Since completing his course in Chicago in 2011, he has been successfully coaching clients as an influencer at Willing Ways and Sadaqat Clinic. Being a veteran and senior seminarian of Willing Ways and Sadaqat Clinic, he has experience in training various prominent support programs including Crucial Conversation, Crucial Conference and Influencing Strategies. He regularly applies the “Seven Habits of Effective People” to the training of new counselors as well as to treatment and its methods. As the CEO of Willing Ways and Sadaqat Clinic, he is responsible for looking after the management, administration and HR affairs of Willing Ways Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad. Apart from this, he is in charge of the placement and orientation of new employees in the organization and he also conducts training sessions for new and old employees. He is also involved in Pakistan’s thriving music industry and has held many shows across Pakistan. He has also traveled to various countries, South Asia and Middle East as the brand ambassador of the music band “Josh”.