Author Archives: G0DJPrKdqx

Confidence, Overconfidence or Arrogance

It is very repulsive to hear that a person cannot be trusted until he is lost. Interestingly, many of us struggle between confidence and arrogance. Balancing becomes a challenge for most of the people and it is because of the wrong thinking which is ignorant of the real truth of being confident. Are you still confused? Let me […]

Family Business and Conflicts

“Family Business and Conflict” For the past two centuries,  family businesses  have been flourishing all over the world. Advances in technology and ease of communication are two major factors that have helped family businesses expand and grow. If we look closely at the history books, we can see that kings used to rule the people for many years. Once their […]

Video Game Addiction

Is video game addiction a disorder? A gaming disorder, sometimes called “video game addiction,” is a pattern of gaming behavior—including online gaming or offline video games—that is difficult to control and which continues unabated despite serious negative consequences in all other areas of life. According to experts, extreme stress-driven gaming is an “addiction” in the […]