Category Archives: sadaqatajkal

When Life Seems Futile, are There Steps That Lead to Recovery?

Author: Saba Editor: Sahrish Sarfraz Your baby is not sleeping so you are not sleeping either. When your parents suffer from any disease, your relationships, jobs, everything reaches heights. Unexpected emergencies mean mounting bills that are difficult to pay. Most of the time life just cuts, and when it does, we work very hard to […]

How Does Parental Pressure Affect the Development of Spoiled Children?

Editor: Saharash Sarfraz Nowadays, as we know how children generally misbehave with their parents and continue to hold grudges and grievances against the parents and then display all these through their behaviours. Like arguing, using foul language and even hitting or hitting on them, the parents in turn maintain their status or position, power over […]

How Can Children Be Protected From Smoking, Alcohol and Other Drugs?

Editor: Nadeem Iqbal Talk About Alcohol & Drugs Children should also talk about other drugs. Talk to them yourself before their friends talk to them the wrong way.The best age to talk about these things is ten. According to a research, parents who talk to their children about addiction have 50% less chances of their […]

A Healthy and Happy Life

Editor: Javed Chaudhry This experiment started in 1938, the worlds number one university, Harvard, created a unit called “Harvard Study of Adult Development” and this unit” Happy and healthy life”.”Started searching for the three principles of the unit selected 724 people for the research and divided them into two groups. Group A was the prosperous […]