Five Addiction Concerns That Impede Recovery

Addiction-related concerns lead to stigma and barriers to intervention. Generally, words like honest, brave or wise are not used for addicts. If given the opportunity, many of them do so and set a new example in the society. Such achievements come despite major obstacles such as relapse, which is often a major obstacle for addicts, and three decades of research related to these concerns and addiction. Some beliefs still remain. Dr. David Sack is an American addiction psychiatrist and mental health expert. He serves as the CEO of Element Behavioral Health, an addiction treatment center in the U.S. He also has expertise in the media and shares his analysis and expertise in many programs. Have been doing Such as Good Morning America, Dateline, NBC, E-News etc. He has also served at the Hofgarten Post, Psyche Center and Psychology Today.

Editor: Iqra Tariq

People related to addiction are considered to deserve punishment. People with addiction problems are often thought to be very bad and immoral, whether they are men or women, rich or poor, young or old. There is a lot of hatred towards drug addicts and there is a general perception that they should be prosecuted and left to fend for themselves. Then if they want to kill themselves, they should be allowed to kill. It is a fact that people related to addiction do many things that are reprehensible. Long-term addicts begin to undergo changes in their minds that make them do many negative things. Like stealing, lying, cheating and then it becomes their habit. But good people also do bad things, and sick people need treatment, not punishment, to make things better.

Addiction is a choice.

Addiction recovery is not as simple a task as it is willpower. No one chooses to be addicted just like no one chooses to get cancer. Heredity plays a significant role in the development of addiction, but it is only 50% of the cause. The remaining 50% is due to environmental factors such as family development and the role of friends. According to the brain research, there are two factors that cause the disease of addiction, one is people who use drugs and the other is people who do not use any kind of drugs, there are neurobiological differences in their brains. Are when a person uses drugs, long-term drug use causes obvious changes in the brain, which also changes daily routines. Like feeling anxious, binge eating and high on drugs.

People are usually addicted to the same drug.

Once upon a time, we believed that addiction is only caused by a certain type of addiction and other drugs do not cause addiction. The use of more than one drug is considered common nowadays, which was not the case in the past. Some people use more than one drug to maximize their enjoyment (for example, using cocaine and heroin together), while others use more than one drug to reduce the effects of one drug. Do as alcohol is used to reduce the effects of another drug. Some people also use drugs as an addiction and they become readily available. The use of more than one drug is common among young people who are addicted to drugs at a young age. Individuals who use more than one drug are at greater risk of developing mental illness and have more complications in treatment.

People who abuse drugs are different from people who engage in illegal drugs.

Over the past few years, drug addiction has become an epidemic. It is believed that the drugs that are prescribed by doctors are better drugs than the drugs that are obtained from people on the street. Prescription drugs such as Vicodin, Xenox or Adderall are commonly used by people for addiction. When a person overdoses on a prescribed drug, it has the same effect as if one were to take the drug and then it has the same negative effects on the mind as any other drug. Not only the youth who do not have enough information have this attitude, but their parents also have the same attitude. According to a recent survey conducted by the Partnership at, “only 14 percent of parents mention prescription drugs to their children when discussing drugs and addiction, and 1 in 6 percent Parents also

The goal of treatment is to bring addicts to their rightful place.

Major addiction organizations also think that addiction is a chronic disease, just like chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes or cancer. But people with addictions are still treated like dual personalities in our society. Many treatment centers believe that shaming or shaming is the only way to get addicts into treatment. On the contrary, according to research, the biggest barrier that keeps people from admitting addiction as a disease or from seeking treatment is shame. Even the media’s persistence creates the fear that there are two ways to heal, one that is considered a good path and one that is considered bad, and a treatment that is considered expensive and comfortable is considered bad enough. A Hollywood Reporter in a recent article Hollywood Producers, ex Actors, lawyers and other experts have reported that they believe that high-end treatment centers provide facilities that cause harm and use other methods such as neurofeedback or equine therapy.

According to research, such methods strengthen the relationship between the doctor and the patient, which allows the patient to heal longer and increases the chances of staying in treatment, but the media often conveys the same message. People affected by addiction are always affected by addiction. Fears or misconceptions about addiction are harmful not only to the addict, but to their family and to all of us. What if all the influential businessmen, influential artists, writers, historians, politicians were among those who have managed and recovered from addiction but shame? The reason for the aspect is that they are unable to discuss this issue and are wearing a cloak of silence. Treating addiction as a mental illness and allowing those affected to recover properly and improve their lives. In this way we can make significant gains in this society’s biggest public health problem.