Our Lofty Notions of Love and Their Reality

Writer: Atrat Zahra

A boy in the crowd catches a loving glance at a girl and feels like they are meant for each other. He wins her heart. But as soon as he makes a mistake or fate separates them, he feels like his world has come to an end. He thinks about this girl all the time. Suffering from grief, he keeps talking to close friends. He always realizes that the girl is still his. So he gives up and openly expresses his love to the world, maybe even singing a song. After all, peace can only be found in finding each other so that they can tell this story to their children. Doesn’t this story sound familiar?

Anyone who has watched Indian romantic movies or read a romantic novel would be familiar with such stories. But the question arises as to how this timeless tale of traditional love looks like when we see it in real life, we will use the opinions of some experts to assess the reality. People who are very romantic. They also do not have the kind of hope that one day they will be overwhelmed by the feeling of love and someone special will enter their life at first sight. For example, Jack, the main character in the movie Titanic, had no idea how the first sight of Rose on deck would make Jack fall in love with Rose.

According to psychologist Fran Fisher of St. Mary’s University, love can actually happen even without a charismatic moment like first sight, she further explains that it’s not the magic of first sight, but open communication. Love flourishes by doing. On the contrary, if a stranger influences you in a bad way and you are already committed to a relationship with another person, then you should be very careful, rather than rushing into an important decision. Look done. Like in movies, a character falls under the spell of first sight and doesn’t value previous relationships.

Says Galina Rhodes, a psychologist at the University of Denver. Your choice in love may not be right. But feeling attracted to the opposite sex is a natural phenomenon. But this does not mean that these relations are always in a wrong color. According to communication researcher Julia Lippmann from the University of Michigan, a movie protagonist makes someone the center of his life and goes to any lengths to prove his love. Afraid to go away brings her favorite flowers. He decorates the house according to his choice. Always in pursuit of it. Films that convey these kinds of messages leave the audience dazzled. Many other people in the world agree with his view. It’s so wonderful to idolize that kind of movie character and replace him with someone in your life who will go to great lengths to get you. Go but Julia Lippmann also thinks that replacing that fictional character with someone you’re not interested in isn’t a good idea.

Movies like Say anything and the wedding singer usually have to go through a romantic crisis at the last minute to save the relationship and this crisis demands loud music and very fast driving. But have you ever thought that your true romance is deprived of such sensei. Usually people adopt this thought that no relationship is meaningful until such an emergency happens. As they see in the movies.

According to Rhodes, these kinds of messages through movies can be dangerous for people. As far as movies go, it’s great, they can’t get iodine without showing it, but driving to the airport to win someone’s heart can be dangerous. Psychologist Fisher says that if you’ve ended a romantic relationship and are looking to rekindle a relationship, you don’t necessarily need to say, “I love you again” to your ex. Improve your relationship.

In romantic relationships, the commitment is very intense and once such a relationship begins, it somehow ends in marriage. A love promise is depicted as a single covenant. While according to Rhodes, this is rarely seen in real life. The decision to get married sometimes ends up being a lot of decisions. Because if you decide to live with someone, you have to compromise on many things and you get conflicted about what is more important to you?

Renewing the promise of any loving relationship doesn’t have to involve the tricks of the film world. This can be done in a very simple and easy way, for which we need to share our feelings with our partner and be there for him whenever he needs us, think about it well. What are relationship related things we can do every day? You go to work every day, come home, spend the evening together, watch TV, participate in household chores, and enjoy meals together. are According to Sean Horne, a communication researcher at the University of Texas, USA, if husband and wife wash the dishes together every night and continue to support each other, it builds their relationship on a very beautiful basis. . Such couples usually lead a very successful and contented life.

Alluring and easy-going notions of true love may be unrealistic, but do not the effects of these easy thoughts lead to comfort and satisfaction in real relationships? Psychologists Sarah Vanier and Lucia O’Sullivan found a solution by examining how strongly 18- to 28-year-olds affirmed their beliefs about love: lasting love, at first sight. How confident are you in finding love or an ideal? For example, if I find my ideal partner, I fall instantly in love with him. Research was conducted to examine such trends. Some people disagreed with his theories and presented some more research work. Which proved that such beliefs are not the cause of deep despair. Strongly confirm their beliefs about love by how much they believe in lasting love, love at first sight or finding an ideal. For example, if I find my ideal partner, I fall instantly in love with him.

Research was conducted to examine such trends. Some people disagreed with his theories and presented some more research work. Which proved that such beliefs are not the cause of deep despair. Strongly confirm their beliefs about love by how much they believe in lasting love, love at first sight or finding an ideal. For example, if I find my ideal partner, I fall instantly in love with him. Research was conducted to examine such trends. Some people disagreed with his theories and presented some more research work. Which proved that such beliefs are not the cause of deep despair.

It has generally been observed that those who believe in love are more satisfied and committed in their relationships. Research by University of California psychologist Bianca Aceveda proves that having high hopes for the kind of loving relationship you want isn’t idle or futile; in fact, these high hopes promote positive relationships.