Intervention Data
It has often been observed that the patient who is brought home against his will is the one who is enthusiastically setting the stage for rehabilitation in a few days and the patient who voluntarily repents. He wanted to leave 24 hours after receiving treatment. The patient does not want to complete the period for which he / she comes to the clinic voluntarily. This only means that while intoxicated, the patient’s will is different and while quitting, the decision of one “condition” does not apply to the other “condition”. That is why many of the patients who have lit candles for rehabilitation today are patients who were initially brought home against their will.
After overcoming the symptoms, the patient participates in group therapy and emerges from the trap of self-deception (see: Daniel). Individual counseling and family meetings encourage her to continue treatment. For this purpose, families provide intervention data. Families sit with their heads together after receiving training from a physician and look for events in the patient’s day and night that are related to drug use and where the patient or family may be embarrassed, harmed, or endangered as a result of the drug. Or in the event of a disaster, these points are called intervention data or intervention points. As a result, the patient develops a spirit of addiction. He is then given detailed information on drug addiction. The next step is regular training. There are three lectures a day in which special measures are taken to increase the willpower and reduce the demand for drugs and at the same time to quit drugs.
In addition, special training is provided on topics such as public relations, recreation, hygiene, intimacy, religious affairs and employment. During the treatment, the patient sometimes becomes restless due to the demand for drugs in the meetings and the family becomes frustrated. The patient has been frustrated many times in the past so after treatment no one is ready to believe that the patient can live without drugs. Whenever a patient expresses his “good” intentions, the people around him express frustration. If they do not give fatwa with their tongue, they discourage them by smiling with their body language or in a sarcastic manner. Even after years of quitting, people still have the same “hope” that the patient will get drunk again and if he really gets drunk, they will say “Look! I did not say before that he could not quit.“
Why do people want to be judges and astrologers? They give tests to the patient and give deadlines by waving their fingers. “First you have to prove that …” If the patient expresses good intentions, you can always say a phrase, “May Allah help you” or in this regard, “Tell us if there is any service worthy of us”. When patients, after proper training, are able to lead a healthy, calm and prosperous life without drugs, they are discharged with the emphasis on follow-up and attending special gatherings of rehabilitated patients. These gatherings, called “NA Meetings”, feature a 12-step program of international repute that is essential for drug addiction. In addition, patients continue to participate in the Sadaqat Clinic follow-up program and receive guidance on how to solve everyday problems.