Responsible For the First Meeting
Psychologists and Counselors

A Purposeful Treatment
First Meeting

The Duration of the First Meeting
5 Minutes
The first meeting a patient has with their family after entering the clinic is called the first meeting. Families control their emotions and make important decisions for the well-being of the patient with strong willpower and establish their own writ which paves the way for meaningful treatment. The purpose of the first meeting is to meet the emotional needs of the family, while it is also important to keep their focus on training through which the treatment can be taken on track.
The duration of the first appointment is five minutes and the counselor and psychologist tell the visitor in advance that the meeting should end at the scheduled time when the patient sees that the family counselor and psychologist are obeying. If so, he seems to be following the advice of counselors and psychologists. At the first meeting, the family is not allowed to express anger at the patient’s negative attitudes, and in such a case, the family is asked to cancel the first meeting.
If the patient continues to be rude to the family, the first appointment may be interrupted so that the patient can realize his mistake. It is the responsibility of the counselor and psychologist at the first meeting to protect the family against the patient’s bitter and bitter words and to guide them in advance that such incidents may also occur. The counselor does not defend himself or the hospital during the meeting but remains silent and speaks when the meeting is over. If the family does not stick to their writ during the treatment or cannot control the emotions, they will soon become involved in the patient’s talk, which may lead to the treatment going bad.
Psychologists and Counselors
First Meeting
5 Minutes